Shemiras Halashon Halachos

Hilchos Rechilus, chapter 9, section 1

Cases Which are not Rechilus if the Required Conditions are Fulfilled Earlier in hilchos lashon hara chapter 10 we explained when one may speak lashon hara in cases where a person wronged his fellow man and the speaker's intent is only for beneficial purposes, see there. Now we will explain when it is permitted to speak rechilus in order to save someone from harm.

Hilchos Rechilus, chapter 9, section 2

They are as follows: a) One must be very careful to not immediately decide that harm will result but first carefully consider the matter. b) One must not exaggerate the evil involved. c) One's intent must be only for beneficial purpose, to remove harm from Shimon and not because one hates Reuven. (This rule includes something else. One must consider whether the beneficial result will come about, for often Shimon will not listen and join the partnership anyway. Then, when Reuven annoys him later he will say to him: So and so was right correct he warned me from joining you, and suchlike. One may not inform someone like this whom one knows speak rechilus regularly, for through this one will cause him to transgress the Torah prohibition of rechilus.) d) If one can prevent the partnership without speaking rechilus one should not speak about Reuven to Shimon. e) The leniency only applies if Shimon will leave the partnership and not harm Reuven in any other way. If Reuven will suffer other harm through one's story, more conditions must be fulfilled as explained later in paragraphs 5 and six. This applies even more if one sees that one's story will cause Reuven more harm than he deserves according to law. See later paragraph 9 what we write about this.