Shemiras Halashon Halachos

Hilchos Lashon Hara, Opening – negative commands (14)

If one insulted him so much that his face changed color, one also transgresses the negative command, "Do not bear a sin through him," where the Torah warns to not shame a Jew even when rebuking him in private, and how much more is forbidden to shame Jew when one is not rebuking him. All this applies in private. If it happens in public, the sages already cut him off from the world to come, saying, "Whoever whitens the face of his fellow in public has no portion in the world to come."

Hilchos Lashon Hara, Opening – negative commands (15)

If an orphan or widow is involved, even if they are wealthy, and one speaks of their shortcomings in front of them, one transgresses the negative command, "Every widow and orphan do not afflict," where the Torah commands to not insult them or hurt them in any way. His punish is explicit in the Torah (Shemos 22:23), "My anger will stir and I will kill you, etc."