שתי הלכות יומיות בשמירת הלשון מרבינו ישראל מאיר הכהן מראדין זצ"ל  |  If you cannot read this mail click here  |  להסרה לחץ כאן


Hilchos Lashon Hara, chapter 2, section 3

Some say that if a person relates lashon hara before three people, even though the speaker certainly transgresses the prohibition against lashon hara, if one of the three goes and tells it to someone else, he will not transgress lashon hara, because since three people know about it, it is considered as if the whole world knows. This is only if he [one of the three] told his fellow incidentally, and not if he intends to reveal the story and denigrate him more. Even if he does not say the story in the name of the one who told him, but simply says that so and so was said about so and so, nonetheless, he transgresses the prohibition against lashon hara.

Hilchos Lashon Hara, chapter 2, section 4

The whole leniency to speak if it was spoken before three people, only applies to one of the three who heard. But if someone hears it from one of those three people in front of whom the story was spoken, he may not repeat it unless the story has in any become publicized in the whole world.

קיבלת מייל זה כי אתה רשום לרשימת התפוצה באתר netsor.org. להסרה מהרשימה לחץ כאן